Mixed impressions, larger and more massive approach around the clock

Low cost. Cost per thousand

Repeated exposure

Targeted advertising on your business location

All our billboards are located next to roundabouts! This gives us a competitive advantage that benefits you, our customer!

All billboards are located in the busiest places where there are roundabouts and football stadiums.

Together we plan your advertising campaign with consistency, quality in service and fresh ideas for development.

All our billboards are illuminated.

Take advantage of the opportunity to advertise in outdoor media because:


The possible number of viewings for an outdoor advertisement is calculated on the basis of the daily viewings. Throughout twenty four hours.


A large number of different people (age, gender, profession, social education etc.) are being exposed to the media at least once per day.


Regular display. Repetition is the key for memory!!(CREATION OF MEMORY).


The continuity in communication is important for the PRESERVATION OF MEMORY!!


The cost of advertising is juxtaposed according to how many will see it. Cost per thousand = Cost/Thousand of people.


Extends your advertising outside the home where people spend 70% of their time.

  • 60% of your weekly time is on the go.
  • You can make your targeting specific.
  • Refers for more online action to companies' websites.
  • It further strengthens a campaign that is done in combination with other means, according to monthly measurements.
  • TV advertising by 17%
  • Radio coverage by 41%
  • Internet by 65%
  • Outdoor advertising performs better than TV advertising by 61%, compared to radio by 180% and print press (magazine, newspaper) by 98%.
  • With an imposing presence and massive approach, it reaches where other media cannot reach!

We suggest you look into the prospect of outdoor advertising if you haven’t already. The results will amaze you!!